Tooth loss can disrupt your smile’s appearance and lead to a blow in your self-esteem. But missing teeth also pose a threat to your oral function and the health of the rest of your smile.
You should seek prompt tooth replacement treatment from your dentist if you suffer from missing teeth. But ideally, you should preserve the natural structure of your smile for as long as you can by preventing tooth loss.
You can better protect your smile when you know what causes tooth loss in many dental patients. Read on to learn about three of the most common reasons you might lose one or more teeth.
Gum disease, an infection in the gum tissue, is the leading cause of tooth loss in American adults. This common infection begins with irritation and inflammation in the gum tissue. But as it progresses to periodontitis, later stage gum disease, bacteria will eat away at this tissue, the root of the tooth, and the jawbone.
This extensive dental damage can mean one or more teeth will fall out of their sockets. And damaged gums and jawbone may not support fixed tooth replacement options like implant dentistry without grafts or other extra dental work.
Ideally, you should avoid irreversible dental damage like this by protecting your gum health. This will involve good oral hygiene and attending routine dental appointments to stop bacterial spread and reduce your chances of contracting oral infections.
Gum disease will not go away without dental treatment. So do not ignore warning signs of periodontal problems, such as bleeding, swelling, and soreness in the gums. Contact your dentist right away about these symptoms.
Advanced Tooth Decay
You could be in danger of tooth loss if the tooth has suffered structural damage. This may happen in cases of advanced tooth decay. Most of us will form at least one cavity, an early form of tooth decay, in our lives, which a dentist can treat fairly easily.
However, if you do not seek prompt cavity treatment with a dental filling, tooth decay will advance. Bacteria will eat away a significant part of the enamel and may even reach the inner pulp of the tooth.
When this occurs, a filling will not be enough to amend the dental damage. You will require more extensive dental work, which might include root canal therapy. The tooth might fall out after this damage, or your dentist might need to extract the tooth to stop the spread of further harm.
Facial Impact Trauma
Your teeth are durable and can withstand regular wear and tear from chewing and biting. But they are not indestructible. Impact trauma, such as from an accidental blow to the face, can generate enough pressure to make the tooth fall out.
A dentist can reattach the tooth in many cases if you seek urgent emergency dental treatment. But if you delay this dental attention or suffer too much damage to the dislodged tooth, the dentist might not be able to do this successfully. Then you can discuss tooth replacement treatment with your dentist to restore your smile.