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Dental Crown Garner NC

A dental crown is one of the most important treatments for addressing many concerns. Dental crowns can be placed for cosmetic and restorative dental reasons and will stabilize your dental health with a lasting result. Dr. Matthew Jenne is an experienced dentist in Garner, NC, who treats common and complex dental problems.

Getting Dental Crowns in Garner, NC

The process for placing a dental crown will depend upon the material chosen. In most cases, a ceramic material is recommended for aesthetics and durability. A gold crown is sometimes placed in certain cases, especially for larger teeth with multiple cusps. Dr. Jenne will recommend the most suitable type of crown for your oral health and cosmetic needs.

Completed in two visits, the dental crown process begins with tooth preparation. Dr. Jenne will remove any damaged or decayed tooth structure or enough to ensure a secure fit. Next, dental impressions are taken, and a temporary one is typically placed. When the new crown is ready, you will return for the placement of the final restoration. Your new crown will be permanently secured to your tooth and polished for a smooth texture and natural appearance.

The Versatility of Dental Crowns

One of the reasons dental crowns are so popular is the wide variety of dental conditions they can treat. We use crowns for many restorative and cosmetic dental treatments.

Cosmetic Fixes

When you have discolored teeth, we recommend professional teeth whitening. But certain discolorations won’t respond to this treatment. If you have discoloration from trauma or deep staining from medication, it won’t respond to teeth bleaching. A dental crown offers a suitable alternative. We color-match crowns to the shade of white that you’re looking for. The crown covers the entire tooth, eliminating the discolored tooth from view.

Misshapen or deformed teeth are usually seen as a cosmetic problem. However, they can also impact the function of your mouth, depending on their position. Speaking works by the tongue coming into contact with your teeth a certain way. If a particular tooth is misshapen, you may make that sound incorrectly. A deformed tooth can also impact your ability to chew and break down foods. A dental crown is made to match the shape that a tooth should naturally be, restoring full function.

Strengthening Your Natural Teeth

One of the most common uses for crowns is to stabilize the tooth after a root canal. We remove infected dental pulp and replace it with a biocompatible material during a root canal procedure. We seal off the tooth to prevent further infection. However, you don’t always get the full functionality of your tooth back. A dental crown ensures that you get the full use of your tooth back and further seals it off from bacteria.

When you get a traditional dental bridge, it uses the two teeth on either side for support. These anchor teeth take on all of the stress and strain of the bridge. Naturally, these teeth wear down faster than others and are more susceptible to tooth decay and other dental problems. Placing dental crowns on these teeth helps to take the strain off of the natural tooth structure and instead puts that stress on the dental crowns.

Treating Severe Decay and Damage

In our office, we practice conservative dentistry. This means we’ll save the natural tooth structure whenever possible, eliminating the complications of losing the tooth root. Crowns are often the only solution that can treat severe decay and damage. The crown fills out parts of the tooth that have completely decayed away. The existing tooth structure is fragile, and the crown strengthens things so that you can use the tooth.

Damage can range from a chunk of your tooth being gone to the tooth being shattered. Crowns fill out the part of the tooth that’s missing, protecting the sensitive dental nerves and preventing bacteria from getting into the center of the tooth. For shattered teeth, they hold together the pieces so that we can save the tooth root.

Completing Dental Implants

A crown is the top choice for a final restoration to complete a dental implant. The final restoration connects to the implant post via a piece called an abutment. Each crown is custom-made to match the size, shape, and shade of the rest of your teeth. Combining this with the stability of an implant means that it’s the restoration choice that both looks and feels the most natural.

Dental Crowns FAQs

Dental crowns are the favored solution for various dental concerns. Learn more about dental crown treatment by reading the answers to these commonly asked questions.

Is the dental crown procedure painful?

The tooth preparation can cause minor discomfort, but most patients are comfortable with a local anesthetic. If you experience dental anxiety or have concerns about your comfort, we will discuss sedation dentistry options during your consultation. We aim to enable you to receive the dental care you need while feeling relaxed and confident.

Does dental insurance cover dental crowns?

If you have dental insurance, we will work with you to determine your benefits. Dental insurance will often cover at least part of the total treatment cost.

How long does a dental crown last?

A dental crown is designed to last at least ten years, although most patients who maintain good oral health will have their crown for many more years. Routine dental care is important so that we can monitor the condition of the crown and alert you to any early signs of wear or damage. This is why we recommend our patients see us every six months so that we can keep a close eye on your dental crown and your overall oral health.

How long does it take for a dental crown to settle in?

Your new crown may take two days to a week to fully settle in. After your crown is placed, it is normal to feel slight discomfort and sensitivity. This is part of the adjustment process, and discomfort will dissipate within a few days.

Can my crown cause cavities?

Crowns do not cause cavities. However, cavities can form in the tooth that your crown is attached to. It is important to practice good oral hygiene to keep your crown clean to prevent plaque buildup that may cause cavities.

Schedule an Appointment

The best way to determine if a dental crown will meet your cosmetic and restorative needs is by scheduling an appointment with our team. We will evaluate your smile’s current condition and determine your options. When you choose Garner Cosmetic and Family Dentistry for your dental crown needs, know that we will provide you with comprehensive and compassionate care throughout the process. We love what we do and look forward to assisting you with your cosmetic and restorative dental needs.